Is there a way to make SOMA in game like UMG to be made like when u get close hit E and camera focus on widget and spawn mouse cursor on widget and interact with it ???

Yep, when the player presses E, you just have to display an UMG widget + enable “show mouse cursor” for your player controller -> then you can interact with the widget :slight_smile:
But it depends on how exactly it should work

Did some one try it can i make a scene widget when player get to it pressing E to detach camera OR add a new one lookin in widget well makig transaction over 2 cameras so when hit E go to camera widget when exit go back to old camera

Why do you want the transition? You can just display the widget on the original camera screen -> will look the same :slight_smile:
Or what exactly do you want to create?

Otherwise: https://answers.unrealengine/questions/32053/camera-switching.html

To add to this if you set the input mode in addition to showing/hiding the cursor, you can control if the user can send input from the controller to certain things like game or ui or both game and ui.

the default way ue works if you just show mouse cursor in say a fps game, you lose mouse control for the char’s view but gain mouse cursor control and keep control of the char’s other buttons like WASD for example, you can still walk around even though you have no mouse x/y view control.

if you set the modes it switches input entirely and results in the controller only being in said input mode and stops from things like the above side effect.

Yeah something like that but like @SaxonRah says i will still moving my character but how to make only to use widget without controlling my character and to have like new mouse cursor like in SOMA have i think they use that switch for cameras because camera moving and focusing slowly on the UI will be awesome to get this :slight_smile:

Like i said above use “set input mode” node, more specifically when showing/hiding widget set the mode to what you want so, if you hit e, you set input mode to ui only, when done in menu hide widget and set input mode to game only.

Will play with this a little i still learning BP but will do :slight_smile: tnx guys

Well this is what i get

On the first pic its my setup of the widget so that camera can focus on widget that i will trigger


on the up pic shows how i setup with trigger so i setup the BP on leve just for test still dont know where to add BP thou anyway here what i test


well this BP does nothing it just set camera to player but not convert to the widget camera ? so i need liiiiiitttlleee help how to get this work like this

When i step to the trigger to show text Press E Button to enter console (that is the widget with camera) when i hit E its remove the payer from view and get to the camera widget view and interact with widget so how to do that :confused:

Can some one help with this

Can some one explain me how to desable my character and camera of character and change to only camera but camera shell not move only stuck in that position of view