Solved: When I unmount (detach) the player from a pawn he has an offset

Hey guys,

I switched from Godot to UE4 3 days ago with the goal of porting my game to this powerful engine. Thanks to some great tutorials out there I quickly managed to set up a basic movement and import my assets. I also got the first few triggers working. I am now working with possess and attach to control a boat. I followed this tutorial

I can control the boat with the player on the socket however, when I detach the player I can move him again but he is shifted when the boat was moved even though I checked ‘keep world position’. This should demonstrate what I mean

[Youtube link][1]

I do not have a blue print for the controller. The boat is a ‘pawn’ and the player is a ‘character’

I would really appreciate some help. I spend quite some time on Google and also asked on Discord and Reddit, but couldn’t resolve the issue.

Someone posted the solution. Had to disable and reenable the movement of the character.


Unfortunately the link does not work anymore. But this solution saved my day, thank you very much.

I struggled with this problem for some days now and my pawn always was in some weird places after unpossessing the vehicle the controller possessed before and then possesses the character again.

I solved this as mentioned before by disabling movement and enabling it again after detaching.


Absolute Heroes. I had this exact issue too, and I was finding that after unpossessing my boat pawn, my character would sometimes stay in the correct location, but other times he would teleport on top of the boat, in the water, 10 meters away etc.

Your solution fixed it for me. Thanks!

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Thank you! The solution also helped me solve the issue. (after 2 days! - on and off)
I tried setting the actor transform manually after detaching to no avail. XD
I also almost went with updating the transforms manually on tick!

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Yes!! Thanks ! . This finally solved my problem

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