Solution: I misspelled bUseSteam, it’s bUsesSteam, after this change I no longer get the error specified below.
Using 4.18.2 from source build, I went thru this tuturial:…s_%26_Linux%29 and got a dedicated server built using Visual Studio 2017 for a third person template cpp test game and tested successfully with a local client and server running on a remote server.
Then I added the script blocks found here:…/Online/Steam/ under DefaultEngine.ini and enabled the OnlineSubsystemSteam plugin in the editor, packaged the project for win64 and ran the client and had steam functionality only on the client. I had steam running in the background and was logged in. The server was running remotely but did not have the steam plugin built into it yet…only the client.
The next thing I’d like to accomplish is add the steam functionality to the server so the server can show up in steam->view->server->favorites right-click add server by ip address. Right now, no games are found at my server ip when I do this. The server log shows a connection attempt when I look for a game through the server ip, but returns all zero bytes or something like that…I can get the exact error if it’s useful.
I am not greenlit for a game through steam yet, just testing with the 480 in the steam_appid.txt right now. I thought the problem might be that the steam plugin was not yet packaged on server, so I tried to run a copy with and without the steam plugin enabled for the server packaged (in ue) build. Server ran when the plugin was disable on build, it did not run when the plugin was enabled stating the steam plugin could not be found.
So I thought I better add some stuff to my code and build the DevelopementEditor and Server copies again with the cpp code. So I added:
PublicIncludePaths.AddRange(new string] { "Online" });
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "HeadMountedDisplay", "OnlineSubsystem", "OnlineSubsystemUtils" });
to *.Build.cs file to add the modules and
bUseSteam = true;
to *.Target.cs per what is instructed here:,…ng_Development under the Target.cs section.
I can get the DevelopementEditor and Server copies built in VS, but when I package in UE, I get this error:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows(64-bit)): ERROR: <MYPATH>\Source<MYPROJECTNAME>.Target.cs(13,9) : error CS0103: The name ‘bUseSteam’ does not exist in the current context
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ERROR: Unable to compile source files.
So, I’m not sure where to look to fix this when packaging in the editor. Is there some of the documentation that is out of date where I’m missing something?