Hi there, sorry for this primitive topic but i love the feature to upload my stuff on Sketchfab.
After the update to the latest version ( ) i have two issues i want to share and fix.
If i want to upload my model to Sketchfab
-> After API Token dialog comes a “whiteframe” i couldnt do anything else, just close it. No error message to confirm
-> I saw this effect also when i try to open the Helpwindow , everything was white inside but here i get a errormessage about a stopped script, never had this in versions before !!!
Even after some tests i couldnt fix the problem, could anyone help me out ?!
update graphic card driver
try to install an older CR version. sadly it didnt work anymore, message force me to update
- https://support.capturingreality.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115000773131
Win7 Pro 64
latest Chrome,Firefox Browser (which always workedfine)
i7 6950X
12GB TitanX (Pascal)