I’m playing around with getting a simple multiplayer game working so I can learn replication. I’ve tweaked the first person player character slightly with some impulse on the Z axis to act as a jet pack but for some reason when I test this in multiplayer by setting the number of players to 2, the first player can jet pack around and the second player can see them doing so (which makes me think the replication is working fine) but the second player can only walk around and can’t jet pack for some reason. I’m not sure if this has something to do with inputs or if the code isn’t working.
Hey Franktech thanks for the reply. Well, firstly I’m just using the PIE mode for my test so I don’t know who is the listen and who is the client. Secondly, even if the jetpack is a terrible idea for the first test (I thought movement was replicated automatically but I guess adding impulse to the movement doesn’t count?) the second player should still be able to do it shouldn’t they? The issue should be that the first player won’t be able to see them doing it because the replication isn’t synchronizing the event? At least that’s how I thought it worked.
In my case, while switching over to the second player’s screen, I can walk around without issue, but pressing the Jump button does nothing. It’s like it’s not even coded in for them. Maybe I should add in a print screen node to see if the jump is even executing.
Ok so it is indeed activating the impulse across the network as I found with the print string and I was able to get it working by replicating the custom events for Jump Pressed and Jump Released. Now my problem is that it’s not smooth. I set the replication to be on the server and reliable but there’s a ton of “lag” when you watch the players “jetting”. Any ideas on how to smooth this out?
Here’s a video showcasing the “lag”
At first I thought this was because I switched from using Event Tick for the impulse to using an Event Timer (for better performance) but switching back to Event Tick didn’t make a difference.