So Hey :), kindov a question I should have asked a year ago and I’m surprised not seing around, but:
Visual Studio 'intelli’sens is slow, impracticable for programming UE4.
The alternative of paying 300eu for a special VS plugin that “speeds up intellisens” is outrageous and unacceptable.
So I turned my eyes to Qt and following this tutorial I’m somewhat able to use Qt for UE4 with fast autocompletion and sugestions and all the stuff VS should be capable of doing.
However it relies on a huge list of includepaths such as
INCLUDEPATH += "$$UNREAL_PATH\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes"
INCLUDEPATH += "$$UNREAL_PATH\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Components"
... +140 other includes
Problem is some components are missing. In this case the autocompletion finds UActors, USceneComponent but doesnt find many others such as UPostProcessComponent, even though they are in the same repertory.
IF I #include “PostProcessComponent.h”, the autocompletion works but the compilation fails.
In VS it takes 10s for intellisens to show it, but it works and compiles.
Question is: How can I make this work?
End Question is: How can I have a decent programming environment with UE4?
Thank you