(Solved) Normal - Would love to select the folder that actors go in, in Outliner

Say I am making a new level within my UEFN project and I want all assets to go inside a specific folder in the outliner (for better organization and so I can add an anchor point to all of them later on), there is no setting to set the default path of where the actors spawn in the outliner (not in UE either). I loved that part in Unity, it lets me organize way better, especially if level design is a folder within the project and not the root folder (like level design, mechanics, audio, lighting, etc)

This sounds to me like the “Current Folder” feature.

Right-click a folder in the Outliner, and choose Make Current Folder. (The folder turns green, and the tooltip says it’s now the current folder.) When you drag an asset from the Content Browser into the Viewport, the new actor gets created under the current folder.

When you’re done, right-click the folder again, and choose Clear Current Folder.

(Note that it doesn’t work for Alt-drag duplicating or copy-pasting. Those operations use the same folder as the source actor.)


Does that setting exist? I swear I looked at all options before posting, not sure how I missed it. Will look again when I am back, thanks for the clarification

EDIT: I see, so by right-clicking a folder you can set it as the current folder, just saw the setting! Thanks!

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