[Solved] Need assistance regarding VA Rest Plugin

Is there a way I could attach my request body with the URL . For example with the help of VAREST plugin I want to POST a REQUEST … I am able to get this error when I am trying to POST a request regarding the speech api “JSON(
“error”: {
“code”: 400,
“message”: “RecognitionAudio not set.”,
)JSON” error. By far this is going as expected but I want to pass {
“config”: {
“encoding”: “LINEAR16”,
“sampleRateHertz”: 16000,
“languageCode”: “en-US”,
“audio”: {
“uri”: “gs://bucket-name/path_to_audio_file”

Is there a way I could attach request body with the URL? and if not then how can I send my request body.

Till now this is what is causing an error, Find attachments for same !

Looking forward hearing back !

Is there anyone, who can help up with this issue ?

The Issue is fixed, so I have edited the Post status to Solved. If anyone need assistance related to VA Rest Plugin in Unreal, We would be happy to assist.