[Solved] Is there any way to disable editor tooltips?

I find this tooltips terribly annoying, as I like to work in a distraction free environment. Is there any way to disable them?

So far I’ve found this boolean in the UDK docs, but I don’t know if I can turn it on from Unreal editor, or how to do that if possible.


I found the answer in another post.

To disable it just type “Slate.AllowToolTips 0” without quotes in the console command and “Slate.AllowToolTips 1” to enable it.

To bring up the console: Window->Developer Tools->Session Frontend

Is there a way to find this line of code in the engine folder, so it will be changed for every time I launch the engine.

Or another way to make the changes work permanently?

To disable permanently add:


to the




I don’t see Allow… option in the console…ini file

Hi Guys,

In UE5 the command has now changed to:

Slate.EnableTooltips 0
Slate.EnableTooltips 1

Enter these in the command console … 0 to turn off… 1 To turn back on.



Also, “Slate.TooltipSummonDelay 2” will set the delay before the tooltip is shown to 2 seconds.


Slate.AllowToolTips 0

has never worked for me, (they still pop up no matter what I do), your solution of delaying the tooltip is PERFECT, Thank you!

I was unable to make that a startup feature in any of the ini files, so instead I made a Text file called:
‘CommonConsoleCommandsUE4.txt’ that lists that and other common console commands, etc…

I then made a Batch file called:
‘CommonConsoleCommandsUE4.bat’ with the following:

start CommonConsoleCommandsUE4.txt

which opens the Txt file in Notepad when clicked. I then put a shortcut to this batch file on the Windows Quicklinks Bar for taskbar (one click to open). Now whenever I’m in Unreal I’m one click away from all the Console commands that are used regularly.

this is too a great idea…

Hi, a couple notes:

  1. As mentioned by ’ akadingding’, it has been updated to: Slate.EnableTooltips 0

  2. While the above works in the console, it needs to be modified to: Slate.EnableTooltips = 0 in the config file if you want it permanently. Otherwise the tips will show again next time you start up the editor. Without the ‘=’ added, it won’t work.

  3. As per the notes in the ConsoleVariables.ini… it should go below this: [Startup]


I agree! These tooltips are comically fast and get in the way of everything…

There are two ways to correct this. One sets it for the current session, the other sets it for every new session you open…

Temporarily set the tooltips to a longer delay (for the current session):
Press the ` key to pull up the Console Command input.
Type Slate.TooltipSummonDelay 2 and press enter.

Permanently set the tooltips to a longer delay (for every new session):
Locate your Unreal Engine Version’s “Config” folder (Program Files > Epic Games > UE_5.3 > Engine > Config)
Double click to open “BaseEngine.ini”
Find [SystemSettings]
Under [SystemSettings] type Slate.TooltipSummonDelay = 2
Save the file.
Restart Unreal Engine.

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