I am trying to have the actor affected by Interp to Movement move from the start to the destination, stay still at the destination for a short time, and then return back to the starting point. I do not know how to use the control points to get this result, because I cannot affect the “keyframing” of the control points during the duration. Any help would be extremely appreciated.
I have found a suitable solution. On EventBeginPlay, a vector variable for the starting location is set from the actor’s location. From here, there’s another “SetVariable” node, which takes the value from the preceeding node added with a vector value. From here, the process is taken to a Timeline node with a float keyframe track. The value of the float track is input into a Lerp, which interpolates between the Vectors set by our “Starting Location” and “Desired Location” nodes. The Update out for the Timeline Node and the LerpVector nodes are fed into the last piece, SetActorLocation.
If needed, I will try to take a picture of this set up.
Here are some pictures showing my solution. In case whoever is reading this doesn’t know how to edit the timeline node, a new window will show up when you double click it.
Hey man, since it’s a bit difficult to understand english for a couple of us, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words! I’m trying to find a workaround and will try to decrypt your solution, but again if you can post a screenshot, that would be awesome!