[Solved] How to summon String Tables in Blueprints

Hey! So I’m working on a project and I have lots of text to put into the UI (as display and such). I’ve been looking into it and so far what seems to make the most sense is to put the text into String Tables and then reference them inside blueprints by getting the table, the key and then the source string (how I understand is that it’d work similarly to Data Tables?) but I’m not finding any way to reference the String Table file in any of the Blueprint nodes related to String Tables.

How does one approach this? Is my understanding wrong in the first place?

Thanks, and happy New Year 2018!

This seemed to work.

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I have the same problem with String Tables. I made one (“ST_Subtitles”), I imported data from csv file and in ST everything is fine. But when I put a ST name in Namespace and a key string in Key it returns nothing. Did you do anything else besides making string table file, importing a csv and using this function from screenshot?

For everyone wondering where to find the namespace, it’s in your String Table at the top.
It is not the name of the String Table.

In more recent versions If you click the white arrow by any “Text” input in a blueprint node there is a dropdown for each registered string table registered with the LOCTABLE_FROMFILE macro.

See “Referencing a string table asset” in the docs