[solved] How to display content in a widget?

Do you have a function bound to speaker name like you do in speaker text?

Other than it overriding data, I’d ensure that the array contains what you think it contains. Assume nothing. Before pushing that converted enum into a text block, print it to screen.

I have attached the screenshots of my blueprints to my project regarding displaying dialogue in a widget. Here characterspeech is the data table of a csv file. I am able to display widget but unable to display content in it. Any help would be great

I printed it out to the screen it has right data. How do i display it in the widget?

Could you answer my initial queation, about function binding?

I didn’t bind the function to speaker name, as I set the speaker name value in the class bp. I think i know the problem, it is regarding the scope of the variable. It shows variable out of scope though I declared the variables public in widget bp.
edit: anyways i did function binding to speakername but still cant seem to help.