I’m working off the FPS tutorial that is included with the engine. I separated out the gun from the character class into its own C++ class. I created a Blueprint from that gun class and made it so the FirstPersonCharacter blueprint spawns the gun using the gun blueprint. I use AttachToComponent to connect the gun to the socket I created on the mesh. When I run the game in the editor the gun isn’t visible, when I click “Eject” (unposses) the gun suddenly becomes visible. When I posses the character again the gun isn’t visible. Also when I shoot the shots aren’t visible either even though they interact with the world as if they’re there. I have tried dragging the arms of the character out away from the camera to see if one of the arms wasn’t being rendered and therefore the gun but the arm was there and the gun wasn’t. Any ideas what may be causing this?
I figured it out. The gun was set to only the owner can see it and the owner wasn’t set to the player holding the gun. So once I used SetOwner and passed in the owning character, I could see the gun. The sphere bullets still aren’t visible but they’re probably the same issue.