[SOLVED] Forum: Keep me signed in problem

Since the new forum started, there is a glitch with the function “keep me signed in”.

When I open it after a while for the first time (e.g. morning), I an not recognized as signed in (can’t see bug reports).

I need to press “sign in” which will redirect me to another site (support I think).

If I abort that, go back and reload, everything is fine.

Hi Götz,

the support page redirects you to this support system. If your session had expired the mechanism tries to log you in automatically and then redirects you to the support system.

The redirection page should be visible only for few seconds.
Are you stuck on the redirection page ?

Hmm, to be honest I never waited for it to finish because it does take its time. Are you telling me it will go back to the page I was viewing eventually?

Although I still think it shouldn’t happen at all. “Session expired” kind of condradicts “keep me logged in”…  :slight_smile:

The redirection page is displayed for at most 7 seconds then it will redirect you to the main support page.

That is a good suggestion, to make it so that the redirect would bring you back to your original location.

This issue arises from the fact, that the support system is an isolated system, where the session can expire independently of our main session.

Ah, ok.

7 seconds is an eternity these days!  lol

And yes, the original site would be much better…   :slight_smile:

Götz thanks for the suggestions :slight_smile:


Wow, that was quick!

So much better now.
