Hello dear users,
to fix this issue with wrong behavior of the exported registration from RC to Maya, please download this file and overwrite the existing file in the installation directory of RealityCapture.
Hi Erik,
Thank you for your attention, i would like to inform you that now with this hotfix cameras are now in wrong position.
1.03 = good export
1.1 = good position, wrong orientation
1.1 Hotfix = bad position, maybe good orientation
Best regards
Hello dear user,
we have been confirmed by several users that this has solved the issue already.
Could you describe your process step by step until it is displayed in maya as such?
I think you may be making a mistake somewhere in the process, not sure on which side of the workflow, but please try to dive into it again.
Hi Erik,
Indeed, i built from scratch, and it works, thank you for your support !
Best regards
Alright cool, thank you for letting me know.
this bug is fixed since version Blaze