[SOLVED] False Exif data import?

It happens frequently that images are imported with false exif data.
All images taken with the same camera and identical settings.
But random ones (changes each time) will be imported with d differing exif value for focal length.
Instead of Prior Calibration set to Approximate, it is set to Fixed, the Focal lenght is much more detailed that the rough exif data and there is detailed values for principal points. In addition, there is one more line in Prior Pose: Relative Pose - Exact.
Additionally, there is no EXIF icon next to the image.

Hi Götz

can post screenshot ?

Sure, left is odd file, right normal.
I think I solved it though - I noticed there is a XMP file with identical name in the folder.
Once renamed, import works ok.
Is this related to prior distortion?
How did I create it then?? :slight_smile: