[SOLVED] exportDepthAndMask invalid input data error


We made a .rccmd to process a dataset using the documented cli commands.

-addFolder E:_Nanopixel\ ^
-detectMarkers E:_Nanopixel\DetectMarkers.xml ^
-align ^
-selectMaximalComponent ^
-importGroundControlPoints E:_Nanopixel\GroundControl.csv E:_Nanopixel\ImportGroundControl.xml ^
-update ^
-setReconstructionRegion E:_Nanopixel\ReconstructionRegion_A.rcbox ^
-calculatePreviewModel ^
-selectAllImages ^

It fails on the last command. However when performing the same action with the GUI it works without problems and the masks export correctly.

We can’t find any info on the input this function requires besides the optional parameters specified in the command overview list. What input data could be corrupted? Can someone help identify the problem?

We are using a PPI license.


As we already discussed in the tickets, we apologize for this. It was already filed as a bug and it is going to be fixed.


this bug is fixed since version Blaze