[SOLVED\DUPLICATE] Bug 1294: texture shows triangles

When creating a texture and export it with the mesh, the texture always shows triangle patterns in certain areas. Looks like they are somehow related to the polygon mesh. This triangulation also appears in the model texture when importing it to a 3d software. Attached an example screenshot of a small area of the texture. How can the texture become more smooth, avoiding the hard edges of the triangles?
Thanks for any hints.

I reported the exact same issue here:

[SOLVED] Bug 1294: Facetting in texture

For one project, switching from “Texturing/Coloring Style” from Photo consistency based to Visibility based, helped a bit. The triangles appear more faint. For another project though, it didn’t work. Both outputs look pretty much the same.

the issue is fixed. It will come out with next release. Thank you for reporting.