We are testing out the new CLI function for importing ptx scans but unfortunately they do not work at the moment.
What happened when I launch RC with either flag will result in “finished in 0 seconds” with no scans imported at all.
Hello Keith,
is your .ptx file imported correctly via user interface?
I tried to reproduce your problem by in my case the .ptx file was imported correctly using both commands importLaserScan and importLaserScanFolder. In which order do you use the parameters of those commands?
Somehow the command kicked start the import of the ptx and I can see lsp files being generated, but once the process is over, the inputs remained empty.
The import works if I do it through the interface so the problem may be due to my param configuration file.
The command I used:
C:/Program Files/Capturing Reality/RealityCapture/RealityCapture.exe -set “appQuitOnError=true” -newScene -importLaserScan [Path to ptx] [Path to param.xml]
param file:
<entry key=“lasOutputPathType” value=“0”/>
<entry key=“lasNoiseProfile” value=“0”/>
<entry key=“lasFeatureInputChannel” value=“1”/>
<entry key=“lasGeoreferenced” value=“0”/>
<entry key=“lasRegistration” value=“2”/>
Hello Keith,
do you use the same parameters for import in UI as defined in the xml file, I mean the Feature source ‘Intensity’ and Registration ‘Exact’?
Would it be possible to share the file with us?
I basically save out the configuration file from the import dialogue and used that config file in the CLI.
My option is as follows:
Registration: Exact
Georef: False
Source: Intensity
Noise: noise free
output path: with original files
I am not able to share the ptx with you as they are sensitive data. I have tested this on several ptx files and none of them worked, so I am fairly sure that the problem does not lie with the ptx (Good to note that import works when done manually through the interface as well).
If it is possible, I can test with your set of data to check if I have done something wrong on my side?
Thanks in advance
Please try to delete the command -newScene from your command sequence and try again.
Cool, that solved the issue for me.
Thank you so much.