Solved : Cant Enable RayTracing in UE5 (gtx 1060)(Nvidia Pascal)

Hi @JohnDow ,

There are problems with the NEW for 5.5…0.preview Path tracing the code has been changed causing problems. There is not as much interest now the UE 5 EULA Licencing has started.

So far by volume 5.3 LGPU has been the most popular.

This probably wont be fixed for a few updates and currently LGPU is very unstable so MID 2025 seems realistic

The instructions have changed to

  1. DefaultEngine.ini file. Under the renderersettings category, add the following line:
  2. Reopen the project and change the viewport mode to Path Tracing.
  3. Open the console and enter “r.PathTracing.AdaptiveSampling 1” and press Enter.

See post
Enabling PathTracing.AdaptiveSampling Fails to Render Correctly in UE5.5.0 Preview with Path Tracing -