I’m trying to run the calculate model on component with 112cams. When i click the Calculate model button the little banner comes up saying “reconstruction in normal detail” The timer is counting up but if i look in the windows task manager i can see that the RealityCapture.exe app is not consuming any CPU and it’s memory is not changing, which leads me to believe that it’s not actually doing anything. Oh and the progress bar in RealityCapture doesn’t move. I let it run for 15-20 minutes and then just killed the app from the task manager.
I have got other models to work without this issue so i don’t think it’s my gfx card/driver.
I tried the start button. (oddly i thought that just did the same as “align Images”…) it seemed to do it’s thing but at the end i got the red banner with “invalid function call” It seemed to do another pass of align images because now i have another set of components. But being optimistic i clicked the component with 114 cams and it seemed to start processing. It was using the CPU so that’s an improvement. But after 10 minutes or so i got the red banner with “invalid function call” again.
I’ve attached a screen grab of that.
At this point i don’t know what to do except start over and hope for a better result this time.