[SOLVED] Bug 2657: Orto Projection Failed Error

I have imagery from a manned aircraft that is tagged in the EXIF with GPS coordinates and altitude. CR beautifully aligned all of the images and from there I created the model and texture. The goal is an ortho mosaic and DSM. I made sure there was a good reconstruction region and that the ground plane was defined. I then used the button to estimate optimal ortho resolution and hit render. The ortho projection finished up and looks great on the screen.

However, when I select the orth in the 1D menu and click Export Ortho Projection (or DMS) I get the menu for export options and can successfully export non-geolcated formats such as jpg everything works fine and the exported ortho image looks good.

However, when I try to export as a TIFF (which I am assuming is a GeoTiff) it immediately fails and shows a red banner that says: “Exporting Ortho Projection operation failed”. The console shows the same with no additional detail.

Since all the images are aligned, and I had camera priors set to true, and I see little orange lines that I think are differences between priors and calculated pose (since I have never seen these in projects where I don’t use camera priors) I am assuming that the ortho export has all the info it needs to succeed with exporting a georeferenced ortho TIFF.

Any ideas on what is causing the error?

The problem is that the system responsible for writing geotags to the tiff does not know the coordinate system of the ortho-photo. RC ends with the red error in such case which is wrong. If it cant write the geotags then it should export just tiff without geotags but with world file and warn you. We have fixed this issue and the fix will be released soon.

The workaround is to export to png with world file pnw for example and convert to tiff in external program and just rename the world file.

Will this be fixed at some point?

The proposed work around does not work in my case. We have a have orth (250,000x250,000 pixles) that I need to export. When I try to do so as a PNG as per the workaround I get an error that says maximum supported resolution for PNG is 40,000x40,000, “Please select TIFF format instead”.

What about BMP?
That’s similar enough and I think it’s also available although I can’t check because its calculating atm.

BMP export fails with the same 40,000 x 40,000 export limitation.

it would be nice if it could just export a grid of ortho images, and that way keep each one below the 40k limit.

but it should still be possible doing it with lots of regions. (ie split your current one into 3x3,5x5,7x7 etc…)

it will be possible to automate it with somes scripts and cli version.

but still should be possible to do it manually with steam or promo versions.

but either way it will take longer than just being able to save out to a grid of images on export.

Chris, you are right.
Splitting up ONE orthoprojection would be an ideal solution since if you do it by regions it might slightly differ in texture/colour at the seams.
And to be honest, 250kx250k is quite a chunk to handle… :slight_smile:

I have the exact same problem. Project due tomorrow, large Orthos. The Bug is NOT solved, You just identified the bug. So please dont mark the problem as solved unless you release a quickfix or an update. I end up now cutting down orthoregions recreating the orthos. :evil:

Hi Jan
please contact me on my email.

It’s fixed in the new release :mrgreen:
Version RC release

Wow, that was fast. Thanks a lot and sorry to be a bit pushy :? . I know You are a small team of developers and do the best you can. :slight_smile: Keep it up.