[SOLVED] Bug 1145: Simplify moves object position

I took a bunch of images and aligned them.

I then moved the object into the center of the plane because it was slightly offset.

Now I did a normal detail reconstruction (Screenshot 1) and then simplified the result (Screenshot 2).

The simplified object consistently shows up outside the bounding box back around the position the original alignment put the object in (height above plane stays the same, rotation also stays the same).

I am using the new simplification algorithm here.

I think this behavior would classify as a bug.

Project file and images: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25588164/GaneshaGarden.rar.

The images are stills extracted from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8KQSpJZm8E.

Hi ShadowTail
Yes, it is a BUG in the new SIMPLIFY algorithm… we were able to reproduce it and we are working on a fix…

Hi, was there a solution to this? I am having the same problem currently.

Hi Joel
Do not use the new SIMPLIFY algorithm ( change in settings ). Probably in the next release, we will have finished a new out-of-core SIMPLIFY tool…

the issue is fixed. It will come out with next release. Thank you for reporting.