Is it possible through blueprints or C++ to get the max/brightest color of a scene capture render texture? I don’t have much experience with materials and couldn’t find a way to get the render texture materials R/G/B/A values from the material unless you can somehow expose that.
I thought of trying to grab the texture from the scene capture component every 0.5 secs if the player was moving and saving it as a packaged texture and then reading the pixels but I only got so far as the texture created but it crashed the editor immediately after or just locked up.
I have two scene capture component 2Ds positioned above and below my player that captures a diamond representing the player’s “visibility” and hides everything else using a cage mesh.
UPDATE: I did find a Blueprint solution that I didn’t even realize was built in…seems to be working okay without much performance hit but will have to test more. If anyone else want to know here is a link to a blueprint graph with some notes.
Going to see how well it runs reading a few different pixels to average them out.