[SOLVED] Black texture


RC is generating black color and texture for me in a couple new projects, even after resetting all settings via SHIFT-launch.  Here’s an example:

  • Import images
  • Align (tie points shown far left)
  • Set reconstruction region
  • Reconstruct with regular detail (next image, to the right of the far left)
  • Color & Texture (right)

Again, I reset all RC settings, but here are the reconstruction defaults from the above:

To be clear, I haven’t exported/imported the mesh above; everything is in RC as per the steps.

I’m sure it’s not simply a display/GPU issue, as the texture written by RC is 100% black.

I’ve tried again several times from a fresh project, with the same results.


Hi Kevin Cain 

in 1Ds view click on MODEL so i can see Tx - UVs settings used.  

Here you are – you can see that the poses all have ‘Tx’ on, but that the model does not and clicking won’t force it on:

If anyone cares to have a look, I’ve uploaded the full source and RC project file ‘acanthus.rcproj’ here:

Here are the steps to see if you can reproduce the problem (black texture and color, as above):

Import images
Set reconstruction region
Reconstruct with regular detail
Color & Texture

It would be great to know if anyone can duplicate my results…

Hello Kevin,

showing black texture is problem on our side and should be fixed in next release. Please try in 3D SCENE in Scene Render panel switching between Solid and Sweet, this should help with showing correct texture. If not, please try to clear Cache and try again.

As far as I understood Kevin has exported the texture and it is still black, right? Or did I misunderstand that?

Thanks for the reply – however, as I wrote above (and as Götz pointed out) this is not just a display issue – the model’s exported texture is black too.

I uploaded the full scene file and source images (link above) with notes, can you confirm?


Hi Kevin,

I tried it but it still needs the folder with the RC files.

Tried to align them myself but the largest component only got 16 images max…

Thanks, Götz,

Were you able to texture the component with 16 images?

Since the subject has black paint, it’s obviously very challenging for feature detection and a high quality reconstruction is probably impossible in this case.

But that’s all besides the point – my trouble is not with the noisy model from RC, but that textures are [0, 0, 0] black.

The RC folders were several hundred MB, but I did include the .csv file with control points if you want to match my results exactly.

The RC support folks wrote just now to say that they were able to duplicate the problem on their system…they are going to look into it!

Alright, thanks for the heads-up!


Hello Kevin,

problem in your scene was caused by incorrect prior pose of one camera ( P_20170917_162258_vHDR_On.jpg , zero coordinates) and the scene was not georeferenced correctly, into very large scale. Therefore disabling Camera priors fixed the problem.

We are also working on solution so that RC will be able to handle this during texturing.


Thanks Zuzana for the workaround to disable camera priors!

I aligned this scene in RC, so the issue seems to be how RC computes camera priors in some cases.

I have no georeference data here but believe that RC pulls GPS coordinates from EXIF by default.  Is that a problem here?

Hello, Zuzana,

I can’t interpret what you’re saying about ‘disabling Camera priors fixed the problem’.

I see the ‘prior’ menu for the cameras, but the options are ‘unknown’, ‘approximate’ and ‘fixed’ – setting all cameras to each of them in turn still results in the same result – a black texture.  I disabled the ‘P_20170917_162258_vHDR_On.jpg’ camera with the red check in the ‘Camera poses’ list.

Could you please describe the steps and/or post the working project file for the project I uploaded?

Hello Kevin,

by ‘disabling Camera priors’ I mean disabling it before alignment. To do so, please go to Alignment -> Settings and in the Camera priors set Enable to False (see the picture below). Then align images, reconstruct and texture again. 

In your original project you can see in the Alignment report that your component was Geo-referenced (it says true) due to prior, however incorrect information from the images and that was the source of the problem with texture. After disabling Camera priors before alignment and aligning again, you will see in the Alignment report that new component is no longer Geo-referenced (it says false). There should no longer be a problem with the texture of the new model.

You can download edited project here: