I know it’s not a real bug but I answered this post https://support.capturingreality.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115000836171-Weird-shifts-breaks-on-flat-surfaces two days ago and there is a note saying “Pending approval”. I really cannot find anything wrong in this post so I really would like to know what’s going on there.
please excuse our late response
still? could you please post a screenshot?
No, it did disappear (I mean the post appeared finally) after a couple of days.
I was just puzzled.
Guess it was a glitch from setting up the new forum…
all right then, we are sorry for the inconvenience
There is something else now. I keep getting an email from the account RealityCapture Support, when i click on the link it says
The page you were looking for doesn’t exist
Then after a minute or so I get an email with a comment from your lubenko account, that works then.
sorry, it was me deleting a comment posted accidentaly from a different forum account
I also appear to have had the same issue earlier today. I spent quite a long time writing a detailed post, when submitted, it stated pending approval at the top of the page. Nothing since.
Should I try and resubmit ? Or do I need to wait longer for it to appear/be approved ?
Hi ivan,
I guess it is some automated process - it was resolved after a few days.
It seems like a good idea for the RC team to look into it again though.
Hello everyone,
In the new forum, there is automatic detection of posts that violate our Code of conduct:
Please consider this when writing your post so that it agrees with our rules.
Well, mine did not contain anything even close to your code of conduct.
Other posts contain competitors names and are obviously not filtered.
Maybe you should reconsider the automatism or at least remove the suspension.
I also do not believe my post violated your code of conduct - If it did - please may you message me explaining how ??
My post, I believe was a exceptionally good post - I would say that… However I spent a good few hours writing it… so it is frustrating that it disappeared without any indication why.
If a mod may kindly take the time to read it and respond back to me personally I would appreciate that. I’m sure once reading it you may re-consider or even suggest a edit that would make it fall in line with the rules. It should be very clear my intentions were good.
Hey ivan,
that really is quite disappointing, sorry to hear that.
I’m hopeful it will work out though!
Automatic detection applies to posts and comments added to the new forum. We realize that no automatic detection is perfect, but it is a tool that helps us detect unwanted posts. However, we try to approve contributions that do not violate this policy as soon as possible.
Ivan, can you please check if your post has been approved? I believe it already was.
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Hi Zuzana,
we all realize that nothing is perfect.
The question is what is worse - a slight risk of some code violation or inconvenience to users of the forum who very often need help urgently.
I am using the forum a lot and I rarely encountered anything, apart frome one or two obvious ad-trolls.
And your reservation about mentioning /discussing competitors I do not share, as I have stated before.
I will elaborate again at this point, since ivan’s post also contains a name:
With this attitude you ultimately achieve exactly the opposite of what you probably intend. I would argue that 90% or more of the users here are professionals and again 90% of these have heard of most of your competitors or already use some of those programs. So what are you trying to protect?
Do you know how I stumbled across your software back in the days? Exactly, on the forum of *a well known competitor in russia*. Also, removing some characters from the name does not prevent anything - people still know what is meant, in most cases even if you remove the name entirely. This world is small.
I said it before, in the majority of features your software excells - you offer some functionality that no other competitor (in my experience, which is not complete) can provide.
So I am encouraging you again to drop this particular filtering for competitors and thereby free resources that can be better used elsewhere!