SOLVED- "Accessed None Trying To Read"


In case you’re curious how to “set” an objec or classt reference “ie- MusicBoxRef” in my case, here is specifically HOW to do that, I forgot to create the array of actors in both directions, so only one blueprint was communicating with the other.

Original Post

I have a layered music system, but am having trouble getting a value to be “remembered” when passing between blueprints.

The issue occurs where the red line is drawn on the “Loop” image attached, at the origin of the line. “Current Song Value” on the far right, is returning “None” (photo included as “Error”) and is not passing the value off.

The math and how the system is handling the numbers is all working right. But something in my logic is off. Despite many hours, I cannot seem to figure out what. I cleaned up the blueprints as much as possible to simplify any attempt to figure out where I am going wrong.

If there is a way to set a variable that can be passed off to another blueprint without the use of Custom Events, I do not know about it, but that would solve my problem, to set the variable in one blueprint, then get it from another. Otherwise, I am out of ways to solve this, and I believe I simply lack some fundamental understanding but have been unable to find the answer thus far in documentation.

Also, I may have set my “target” incorrectly for the rightmost item of “CurrentSongValue”, but I’m not sure what I’ve done wrong. I have similar targets for external custom event passing across several blueprints, including one sending between these two in the opposite direction (from left BP to right BP) and this is the only one I seem to have not working. Would anyone be able to tell by looking what I have done wrong here?

Does the MusicBoxRef variable ever get set to something?

I’m dumb. I solved it. Uploading a video now for others having the same issue, as I spent a long time looking up the solution to find many others who could not find it. Will post solution in OP Edit.