Solution for one sided model

Is it feasible to process model that has only one side in RC?

Like the following image, I have a model with just one face. I have tried the fill hole function but it doesn’t work. 

What would be the recommendation to solve the issue? 

Hi buiquockhiem,

yes it is possible to create also this kind of a model. In this case it isn’t possible to capture images from the back? The Close holes tool couldn’t work there because it is quite big irregular hole. Did you try Check integrity and Check topology tool before? I think that you should also clear the edges of this model to be more smooth. How do look aligned images there?

Hi 374823146340 thank you for the response. 

This is just part of a bigger model that I’m testing on, and is impossible to capture the other side, as it was the interior of the object, but is seeable on the other side.  

I had run the check topology and clean up the model.

I guess it needs to have a treatment from the 3d software. 

Thank you!!