Solo dev_my first tower defense game!

Hello!this is a game made by my self,which is my first project!
I’m a beginner on the halfway learning!
What do you think of it?
Has anyone like this sort of game?
Feel free to leave comments!
Any advice is appreciated!

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It’s at the very beginning stage!
But more monsters and weapons are coming!

Hi,new Niagara!
I just learned to make Niagara.
It’s so fun.

The idea was coming from:

What do you think?

Hi there @baobao4435,

This looks super great so far. A spectacular view of “the first steps”. What’s the next step in this for you?

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You do think it looks great?
Well that means a lot to me if so!thanks!
Because I found that making a game along,no one gives a advice ,have me to continually suspect what I am doing…
And actually making the spectacular view is the last part.I’m not familiar with the visual part,like landscape,material,etc.there s a lot waiting for me to learn.
It’s still a prototype now.

I’m keeping adding new monsters and weapons.

Look at the arrows . I want to make the movement like kingdom rush.

I very proud of that I made it on my own so far…
And the projectile that expects the enemy’s future position is on the way making…

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I’ve always been a fan of tower defense and city building games so this appealed to me immediately. This looks super charming and gives that “old school” vibe that we all love. I’m stoked to see what you come up with as this project develops :slight_smile:

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Black hawk VS zombies.


New weapon.

I know there’s no one here.
Well,in case anyone saw it.I have to clear one thing.witch is that I don’t mean to kill those zombies and dragons.cuz it’s my first project and I don’t have a good idea and skill to make other thing.
If this game is successfully completed and I learned project I wan to make a non-killing game.

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adjusted a little movement

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Yando’s arrow.I get help from the forum to make it.


kind of begin to doubt if I can make it.I don’t have much idea about what to do next .been stuck for a while.

Okay,it’s almost a demo.


@PresumptivePanda could you give me some advice?I want to apply mega grants,do you think I have a chance?

currently I lack of so many assets …

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My favorite

Hi again @baobao4435,

To be completely transparent, I know very little about Mega Grants and what it takes to be successful with them. With that being said, I think trying for something never really causes us harm :slight_smile: Especially when you’re passionate about what you’re creating. So I’d say go for it!

Also, the helicopter is not something I’ve ever seen in a tower defense game before but it’s kind of awesome :smiley:

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thank your supporting sir!it means very much to me. :smile:
but tbh…I’m not so confident. I still think the project is a garbage sometimes. especially the more I look at it,the more ugly it looks to me…I don’t know if it’s true or just my anxiety.
but I’ll keep trying to make it better. Thank your reply again :heartbeat:

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Imposter syndrome hits us all sometimes. The key is to improve what you can and continue. Hope all the anxiety doesnt stop you from continuing :slight_smile: Looking forward to the next update!

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new update ~

I thought this would look handsome but no…

it kinda turn my character into a monster :joy:

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I thought your character WAS the monster.

Dude, wow! You’ve been “quiet” lately, so now I understand why.

I was smiling so much looking at your work. The spider is so cool.


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