Solidworks 2022 Datasmith Plugin (UE5.4) creates empty asset folder

As the title states I have the Datasmith Plugin for UE5.4 installed for Solidworks (using 2022). Installation worked just fine.


  1. I have a large complex scene. If I try to export the assembly of the complex scene it creates an empty asset folder that pairs with the .udatasmith file. Thus I cannot import into unreal engine.
  2. If I save the whole assembly as a single (very large) STEP file and then open that in Solidworks and export as .udatasmith everything seems to work. However, I lose materials at what seems at random points when I am looking the scene via Dataprep.

Any insight as to what will enable exporting a scene of assemblies to Datasmith without smooshing to a broken STEP file!?

Thanks for any ideas.