Soft cloth hair - Is there any hope?

Hello there,

I am using CC4 to create characters and I bring them to UE5 as FBX (cinematic purposes, not game development).

For the past 3 days I have been trying to apply decent soft cloth physics to my character’s hair. I have followed many youtube tutorials but I haven’t even come close to the quality of soft cloth that can be achieved inside iClone 8 (with minimum effort there, might I point out, it took me 5 minutes).

Please check out the following small renders and focus on the soft cloth for the hair. The first render is from iClone 8, the second one from UE5, using the exact same animation and character (just different outfits).

Please, I would appreciate any insights on what I am doing wrong, or how I can make my soft cloth better.

Is it possible that Unreal cannot calculate such complex hair physics as well as iClone can because it’s a game engine?

Please, whatever you observe might be helpful to me.
