Does anyone know how to create a “soft body” bounce effect with UMG widget text? I animated some title text dropping in from the top, I’ve played with the curves to try and give it more life, but it’s just so dull. I can’t get a nice bouncy “soft” look when the text suddenly stops or any type of really animated look. I know physics isn’t a thing when it comes to Widgets, but I’ve seen Unreal games where the menu text LOOKS like it has physics. How are people achieving this??
You could play with springs but I feel you’ll not get that natural feel to it anyway.
What if you faked it?
- attached a widget component to a regular actor
- soft body sim is a thing, there’s probably a marketplace plugin
- have the widget in screen mode (or world) with the actual actor hidden
- read the deformation data and apply whatever is applicable to the widget’s transform
Disclaimer: never done this but it sounds plausible. Could work, could be a complete waste of time. Although, from my perspective, learning how not to do things is valuable, too.