Socket IO IOS Building Error

F:\Unreal Projects\StackUp\Plugins\SocketIO\Source\ThirdParty\asio\asio\include\asio\ip\resolver_base.hpp:79:5: error: declaration shadows a variable in namespace ‘asio::ip’ [-Werror,-Wshadow]

 v4_mapped = ASIO_OS_DEF(AI_V4MAPPED), 

F:\Unreal Projects\StackUp\Plugins\SocketIO\Source\ThirdParty\asio\asio\include\asio\ip\address_v6.hpp:295:20: note: previous declaration is here 

enum v4_mapped_t { v4_mapped };

I am using a plugin. Plugin name SocketIO…
Link: GitHub - getnamo/socketio-client-ue4: client plugin for Unreal Engine 4
4.25 editor version.
I can building success to Android. I see this error while receiving a package to ios. Please help me :’(

I fix this error by this, if your script include asio.xxxx do this.

#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored “-Wshadow”
#include “asio/xxxxx”
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

Try this variant of the asio submodule: GitHub - getnamo/asio at 8a753e0b34f6176c01889707e49c274e11e90db6 which should have the wider wshadow includes