
Hello all, I recently come up to GitHub - socketio/ C++11 implementation of Socket.IO client

I found it quite cool to start with a relative simple muliplayer game.

But I got to struggle with installation. at master · socketio/ · GitHub

Can someone explain to me this steps

  • Install boost, see Boost setup section. - DONE
  • Use git clone --recurse-submodules GitHub - socketio/ C++11 implementation of Socket.IO client to clone your local repo. ** -DONE**
  • Add <your boost install folder>/include,./lib/websocketpp and ./lib/rapidjson/include to headers search path. I added this to Screenshot by Lightshot I think its correct
  • Include all files under ./src in your project, add sio_client.cpp,sio_socket.cpp,internal/sio_client_impl.cpp, internal/sio_packet.cpp to source list. - I am not sure how to do this…
  • Add <your boost install folder>/lib to library search path, add boost.lib(Win32) or -lboost(Other) link option. and this.
  • Include sio_client.h in your client code where you want to use it.

Please help, I am new to visual studio, I worked in IntelliJIdea before.