Social Network Plugin (Facebook)

sorry, my wording was not correct. I meant to say I built a project for Android. You do not need to compile the plugin or use VS studio.
I am looking at the log you sent and trying to reproduce it.

Hey Devfo.
How is integrating into iOS going? Will you make it available for iOS too?

working on it now… I have been programming Android for about 7 years, but I am fairly new to iOS, so it’s taking some time to set up my environment, provisioning, etc…
I do include the source code with the plugin, if that helps anyone. If someone is good with iOS and UE4 plugins, and would like to give it a shot, please PM me.
I hope to have an answer very soon.

Ok guys, here’s the deal with SN Plugin and mobile devices:
The plugin uses the UE4 WebBrowser widget built into the engine. The 4.10 release notes state the following:
Android now supports Web Browser widgets created either in a Widget Blueprint or in C++ using Slate code.
Web Browser widgets will be supported on iOS in a future release.

So it will work on Android, but will not work on iOS until the engine supports it. I will try to find out if there is a scheduled date.
Here is an image of the Plugin running on a Samsung Note 4. Note that I just attached the Desktop HUD BP widget to the default FPS map, so it looks UGLY. I also need to tell the browser that its “mobile”, so it shows the Oauth mobile version. The one in this picture is showing the Desktop Oauth. I will update these changes and include a mobile HUD Blueprint in the next release.

In plugin folder i only have the Win binaries
I bought version 1.2 on sellfy

Happy new year everyone. For 48 hours only, we are offering our Social Plugin at 50% off. Just use the promo code NEWYEAR in the Sellfy checkout.

Hello, we bought and have just added the social network plugin to our android game and we share the link of our game below. We can reach the facebook login page successfully, but whenever user click to enter email section of facebook, the plugin sends off the user to main menu of the phone. We couldn’t solve this issue and we are using UE4.10 for making the game. If you help us to solve this issue, we will be very glad.

Best regards…

I have the same issue, while using this plugin with the mobile browser. When you click to enter email address, program stops working. I have tried this plugin note 4, galaxy s4 and s6, but the program always shut down. Can anybody help us about this problem??

Is this plugin still alive and still being supported?

Sorry guys, I have been out of town the past 2 weeks working on another project. I will start looking into the issues today. I hope to have something within the next 24 hours.

So the issue is Chromium(Browser engine) is throwing an error: fatal signal 6 (sigabrt) code 6. This is a Nasty bug in Android. It’s usually caused when a listener is not unregistered in the OnDestroy(), or it’s a Window access violation (such as a popup window).
I have seen this on a previous Android project I worked on that was heavily using WebGL(openGLES 3.0). In that particular project, I had to change out the Chromium engine with a different framework (Crosswalk).
I have also seen it in Unity3d versions, prior version 5.

Since I cannot change out Chromium versions or modify internal code, I will keep working on a solution. Perhaps it’s just a race condition in the SNBrowser widget.

So Defvo is this plugin death for Android? Was about to buy :S

For Android, its just not there yet. Still waiting for a chromium fix

nice, add StumbleUpon, Pinterest, I use them regularly

Are you still working on this? You should have been able to get it working now? Otherwise we are all bound to a 80eu+ plugin while yours should be able to do the same for 30eu.

How can it be the same?
This plugin here is only working on windows. But on Android and iOS where it really matters it does not.

Hello Devfo Studios,

A couple of days ago I purchased your Social Network Plugin for UE4 and have found it very convenient. However, I am making my project in VR and have ran into some trouble. Your setup involves adding the widget to the view port, but I find this does not work out very well for a VR game.

I have created a 3D widget with your SNBrowser on it, but the problem is that I can not capture keyboard input with the 3D widget. Do you know how to make this happen? If not, do you know how I can pass in text to the input field currently selected in the browser (think VR Keyboard)?

In debugging, I have found that I can make a text box (in the same 3D widget as your SNBrowser) capture keyboard input by adding the component “Widget Interaction” to my VR motion controller and using that to select the text box. However, even this is not a perfect solution as I have to continually “Set Keyboard Focus” to the 3D widget’s text box component. When I tried this with the SNBrowser, I was able to break on the overridden “Key Down” function but the SNBrowser did not receive any keyboard input.

Thanks for your time.

If you fix it for android i will get it, i need it for my game, keep up the good work!

Who got the upgrade plug-in for 4.15?