So, who gets my sub money now? Maya? Allegorithmic? Mixamo? Etc?

Okay, I suddenly have money for another sub.

Blender scares me with its stories of things coming out warped. I do want to build lots of contemporary humanoid characters, but I need environments, too.

Where should I go with this? Will Maya LT give me what I want? Should I go with Alegorithmic’s new deal? Mixamo’s Indie Dev sub? What else is there? What is the MODO/MARI combo like?

Yeah, I’m confused. Help?

I would probably go with Maya for now … I think you will probably get more Mileage from Maya initially … and then when eventually they go free you can go Mixamo …

… hey I can dream can’t I. 8-}

I would like to add to your confusion: Ikinema :wink:

LOL … that is just cruel … 8-p

Allegorithmic got mine, well happy with it too

What does Ikinema do?


Most of these softwares mentioned are completely different though, so It’s not really easy to choose between them, it all depends on what kind of software you need.

What are you currently using?

Go with maya lt (but I would recommend you to save those sub money for other stuff -> e.g when you need a mocab session, stuff from the marketplace,…) Therefore (I know you dont want to hear it :p) go with blender and gimp, both of them are awesome programs!

I’ve once got with some magazine software called Cinema4D and was really satisfied with it. Dunno if they’re still around though.

Yep, C4D is one of the well known 3d programs, but I personally dont recommend it, because not so many people in the UE4 community use it -> no good support from other community members :slight_smile:

I’m going to go with Allegorithmic. Played around with their tools recently and it seems to fit my workflow perfectly. I planned to buy the indie it anyway, but with their new pricing model I’m definitely going to get it.

I’ve decided to wait until after GDC. So many things are being announced, left, right and centre, that I’m not going to commit to anything until then! :slight_smile: