So where do I begin?

Good evening to all the members on this forum who are about to help this rather fresh kid attempting to enter the world of computer coding to build a personal project that just happened to cross his mind at some point in his life :cool:.

I am attempting to build a small game for myself and my own interests, something small that will exhibit fantastic quality when it comes to the roots of code, so that maybe (if ever?) when I decide to take it to another level, I will be able to build upon it. The thing is, I don’t really know where to start. When it comes to previous experiences in building games, I have none, zero. However when it comes to general coding, all I have under my belt is a primitive java coding class that I took in my first year of college. I really want to build a game that features an original story line, with original characters. It will not be an fps game, but something like the Naruto Storm Series or other games. It will most likely be an open world based game, however the battle mechanics will be inspired by the Naruto Storm Series. I honestly don’t know what it will be for sure, but I am sure it will come to me as I work on the game, it’s just how I am. So far I see myself building the main character and enhancing him only in a grassy plain world. And then I will build on the game from then on.

It definitely will be full an open world 3D based game, and will be built in mind for mid range PC systems using my GTX 850m laptop NVidia card as the limiter for gaming performance/graphics. I envision the graphics of the open work to be something similar to what Flower, a game on features as graphics. As character rendering, it will be a highly detailed animated looking character, something made appropriate with the surrounding landscape (maybe something like how Dante looks like in Dante’s Inferno…in the cut scenes). So where do I begin? What do I need? I have already installed unreal engine, and that is about it. Thank you guys for any future input and help!:wink:

Go to the learn tab of the launcher and start working through the tutorials, starting with the basic sounding ones.

Just directly start with the project (so create the basic gameplay stuff first, because it’s important for the map) -> when you are stuck with something, post a question here in the forum (we are always here to help ;)) or search for an answer: https://docs.unrealengine/latest/INT/

Also make sure to take a look at the basic video tutorials on youtube: https://wiki.unrealengine/Videos
As the UE4 uses blueprint, you dont need to “code” anything -> visual programming (it’s really easy)

Also download some of the project that are already made and break them apart to see how they work, that’s mostly how I started learning C++ in UE4

Hey, I agree with . You should immediately start a new project and start to build something. You will not directly succeed, but you will get a feeling for the editor. Just start with some smaller things before you realize your first game.

If you want to build up your own game, you should start with the creation of a “Game Design Document”. It’s really important to know about everything you want to have in your game. Make

If you are new to OpenGL, I wouldn’t recommand starting to make a game already. If you want to make a game right away, use a game engine like Ogre3D. If you want to learn OpenGL first and then make a game, start with some simple test applications first and once you know OpenGL start thinking about making a game. That is assuming you do know C++ already, if not don’t even start with OpenGL yet but first learn the language.

If you do plan to jump into OpenGL right now, you should really try to use the Core profile from the beginning. You must be careful, there are many OpenGL tutorials still based on outdated OpenGL versions with glBegin() like stuff in it. I would say start with at least OpenGL 3.3, if you do manage to make a game eventually this will run on most PCs from the last 5 years and is easier to upgrade to OpenGL 4.x in the future.

So you recommend that I just go ahead and try to attempt to build the game I want, so that I can start to get a proper feel and work out the basic kinks correct? Also hold up, your saying that it is possible for me to create a game that I do not necessarily need to “code” for? But how is that possible? One of my close friend that uses unity writes allot of his own code for his game?

I think I might try that as dissecting things and learning how “they” work is a great way to learn mechanics. Anything that you recommend to take a look at?

I don’t really have everything set in completely, not even the battle system because first I need to learn how to make a game, actually a simple level with a character in it. Just to get a feel for the whole process.

I honestly don’t see how I need opengl for this game?

Yeah thanks haha I’ve always kept that in mind.

I think it is important to know that I still don’t know how to write code. I mean I can barely write for loops in Java. But that is only because I never really spent time to learn code (due to lack of motivation).

Yep, just directly start. :slight_smile:
With blueprints you can create entire games -> it is a kind of coding, but much easier

This post does not make any sense at all here :wink: Why should anyone care about OpenGL just for using UE4? He has not asked about building his own engine…

UE4 can be pretty overwhelming at first, and the reference materials currently available are not very good for someone who is brand new to the engine to figure out.

If I may make a suggestion, how about making a really simple game first, like Pong? There’s a nice video series on how to make Pong in UE4 that takes you through the entire process step-by-step. What it really does is it ultimately highlights a bunch of different parts of the UE4 editor that helps bridge that gap between “I have no clue what any of these buttons or windows do whatsoever” and “at least I know what three of these buttons do.” After doing this a lot of the other materials available make a lot more sense than they did before!