So - weird little issue - I can't use the 'start from here' function

In UE 4.27. On a 5KM map - turned world bounds off so I wouldn’t disappear when walking to far, but now can’t use the ‘start playing from here’ function when testing my map. No matter where I try to start from, it defaults to where I placed the player manny.

Anyone know how to resolve this? ta

If you have a player placed in the world ( and set to possess ), the system will always default to that player.

If you want to use ‘play from here’, you need to set the default pawn class in the world settings


( or have that pawn set in the project default game mode ).

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Hmm… same player as the default start manny… but I’ll check it out. Thanks.

Edit: I tried this. Made sure it was the default manny. Still having the same issue. I can drag the manny around the map just fine, but just can’t use the start from here function… so weird.

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If you turn world bounds on again, does it work?

I thing u are are using auto posses

Click on alredy placed Manny character
And search auto posses player in details panel
In your case that is player 0
Disable that

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Remove manny from the map.

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That did it!!! Thank you!