So my brain has created an idea and i dont even know if its possible

So my idea (pls noone steal) is to combine several game modes into one game (such as say a platformer that turns into an fps kinda thing) is that even possible to make with this softwear?


Yes, it is definitely possible, not even hard to accomplish with the engine.

Everybody in game development has lots of ideas for games they want to make.
There’s no risk that they will steal your idea to work on instead – the problem is there isn’t enough time and money to work on all our own ideas :slight_smile:

Yes, you can implement all kinds of hybrid and varying gameplay with Unreal Engine.

I think there are often several possibilities to achieve something in ue4.
You could setup a menu where you tell the engine which gamemode to switch to, if a specific button is pressed. Or switch Gamemode with a single KeyPress.
I recommend setting up 2 different GameModes and if you get the results you want, add more Gamemodes. By then, you should have gotten an idea how it’s working.

You brought up an interesting point. I am not aware of any settings where you can specify/decide which game mode to use for a level (I mean switching between 2 possibilities). Am I missing something?

There was a game made by Epic that is your idea materialized
Won a lot of awards too :stuck_out_tongue:

But how is this combining 2 or more games modes together? I’m sorry but can you explain it further for me? Thanks

It’s a unique idea. You can do almost anything with UE but that would depends on how you’re going to implement it. Ask yourself this, if you’re going to implement this, how are you going to do it? Then start working on this idea and slowly expand to more ideas.

I don’t really understand, but i’ll try to answer with example. GameModes: deathmatch/hostage rescue. It’ll be by simply having another phase or point in the code where the game recognizes some point. Ideal way i’ll go about it in code (which i have no serious experience) is just to have a value such as when the reach your desired effects (ex: 9v9, when 4 killed enter hostage rescuse it’ll) it’ll go through on that aspect but i"ll perferably have it still set in that one but hidden rather then loading. kind of like unlocking or if you rather load still cool. My opinion is as far as coding unreal not to sure but i’ll lean toward yeah more then likely possible.

yes 3d to 2d may take more memory or it could be considered pausing the scene if you make a 8 bit marios probaly not even as powerful as a mario snes game. So the effects should be seemless. But loading a completely diffferent world if its not already loaded would be time consuming.

this? ->

Look up Omicron: the Nomad Soul. Came out in 1999 from Quantic Dream (Better known now for Heavy Rain). Was a 3rd person adventure game with body swap mechanics that turned into a 2d fighting game and an FPS at various sections.

It’s totally possible with just about any engine worth its salt. Its not even a “game mode” switch, its a change in camera angle, and possibly control input mapping.

This in ingenious! I’ll have to make a game based around this mix of genres!


Seriously, why does everybody think they have a groundbreaking idea, when it’s already been done/uncreative/a mix of 2 other ideas.

But to stay on topic, it’s basically what everyone else said. You can totally do it and it’s simple enough so it shouldn’t even be hard to do.
Please do us all a favor and don’t create a post aksing how to make something like this from scratch in a step by step tutorial. You now know it is possible, so see how far you can take it on your own and if you have a specific question feel free to ask.

lol, I’ve started to work on a game with these mechanics a couple of months ago, and I give one tip, game style depends on the position of the camera =)

The game “Savage” mixed up RTS with 3rd person game style. The commander could issue commands on the map and the other players could even see the “clicks” on the ground as green highlights while running around as a unit in 3rd person. Very cool idea indeed!