Only a few months after support for Windows XP (and presumably also Vista…I don’t remember coming across the announcement, though) ended.
What, UE4 Devs at Epic, are you going to do about ?
What does it really matter? Most people are waiting for Win 10 for new Dx anyway I assume and the extended support for windows 7 is until 2020. ??
As long as they clog holes (which they will, until 2020(?)), shouldn’t be a problem for anyone…
They will probabaly will be giving Windows 10 for free for all windows 8/7 owners Or very cheaply.
Nadella is really trying to make money out of services not out of software right now.
Nadella is the best thing to happen to Microsoft recently imo, great to see he is not afraid to shake things up.
Windows 7 will actually be supported until 2020, it had originally been slated to end coming January however they extended it (mainly due to the reception of Windows 8 ). You can find the details on and the other Windows versions support windows here:
Vista still has 3 more years ahead of it, although it really shouldn’t…
I use Windows 8 and I still run Unreal Engine 4 fine the same for Maya 2015 and still can program since I am more familiar with Visual C++ than any other compiler in the market which I also have a full license to. No big deal for a Windows 8 users and I can turn off unnecessary **** and that whole no start menu thing you can spend $4 for a full time license or get a free start menu (google it) to get it back. I stayed with Windows 8 because when I bought my custom PC from Newegg it came with it and all I have to do is update the CPU, GPU, and PSU to run games like Battlefield 4 with no problem and can still develop games.
Sorry I was not trying to say don’t use it (I have been using it since it came out), I actually prefer it as well. I was just trying to point out that the lifecycle was likely extended because Win8 was not as widely adopted as Win7, forcing MS to extend.
I would recommend 8 to anyone as well, if you don’t like the new menu you don’t need to use it if you don’t want to, I haven’t touched it in months (even though I have no problem with it).
Mainstream (-level) support ends in January, but extended support (security updates) will last until 2020. XP’s mainstream support ended years ago, it was only its extended support that ended year. Vista still has a couple years of extended support left.
Well windows 7 wont have DX12 so why do you care.
The thing with each new windows is that usually there are not many real improvements. Sometimes they add good things to system, like 64bit or UAC (when it was finally well done in win 8) etc. For now i do not see anything worth trouble of reinstalling in windows 8, not sure yet about win10.
I’ll probably be running on 7 for a while - my next-gen supertower is running 7, and that’s intended to last me a good 6-7 years.
You don’t plan do jump on DX12 bandwagon ? D:
Not any time soon - Dx12 has some nice features, but I don’t see it being in widespread use for a while.
Dx12 seems to have significant improvements over Dx11…
Dx10 became available nearly eight years ago and was a reasonable jump from Dx9, but it was never really adopted by anyone and has been more or less skipped when it comes to games. Dx11 has been around for five years and people are only just adopting it now - I only have two games in my entire library that support Dx11, and they’re both recent
If Dx12 becomes widely adopted, I can always pay a few quid for the upgrade, but I’m not expecting to need to for a very long time.
hasn’t been that long I got Windows 7, I chose it over 8 because man-handling my screen doesn’t appeal to me and who wants a bloated OS. (can’t keep my monitor clean now)
Companies have gone crazy trying to stay in the ‘spotlight’ by churning out numerous releases without ever fixing the functionality of what they already have out, MS is the worst about .
I think the main with DX11 was, that last gen console didn’t supported it, and by that nobody cared for it.
With DX12 situation is bit different. In terms of API consoles are far ahead of PC right now.
DX12 should bring more or less API parity between consoles and PC, because all gaming hardware from past 5 years technically support DX12.
It’s all down to driver support, but my bet is that Microsoft will press nvidia and amd do release DX12 drivers for at least 3 generations of hardware.
is certainly a part of it, but I don’t see adoption of Dx12 exclusive features at the expensive of Dx11 being a trend any time soon.
One of the issues with DX11 was that you had to buy new hardware that supports it, DX12 works on DX11 hardware so all that has to happen is for games to support it, which if you’re using DX then you might as well.