so im new and really eager to learn

hello my name is D I really want to learn how to code and make video games I am currently leaning python and I want too know if there is anything I can be doing to help my self on the path to start coding and making games all info is appreciated and thank you in advance

There’s bound to be someone who will show up soon with a comprehensive eBook covering all the basic concepts you want to learn so you can make games.

In the meantime, start what you’re comfortable with and move on up a step at a time. Have you done much with blueprints yet? If not, start there. Get really comfortable with the UE editor and make some blueprint programs.

From there, jump into Visual Studio and make a test blueprint node using the editor-created template classes. This will give you a feeling for the syntax without making you write an entire C++ program yourself. There’s some decent Epic tutorials online, but they need the context of “how a game is put together”, so hit it up in that order. Here’s the first C++ tutorial you should do:

yea thanks ima look at that now