They seem to be the only video game company there and I’m wondering if I should bother.
I dont see why not, it never hurts to try!
uhh hell yeah you should go
I guess after all the bad stuff I’ve been hearing about how EA makes games I’m a little hesitant.
Also, I checked again, and it turns out Navidia and Oculus are gonna be there too, so it’s not just EA
EA is a huge publisher, I’ve heard good things about some of their studios.
surprisingly i have read posts from EA employees that say they love the company. always 2 sides to a coin
The people who make games over at EA are really talented, I am not a fan of their business choices and I do refuse to play any game on origin, but I appreciate the skill the employees have there
Origin is better than Steam under many aspects.
Would totally kill for a job @ EA
I’ve worked for an EA studio for several years, and have to say of all the studios I’ve worked at they’ve certainly treated their employees the best.
Ok, I guess I’ll add EA to the list of companies I’ll visit at the career fair.