Snow ontop of objects

Hey i’m currently working on a snow scene and was wondering if I could create piles of snow atop of static meshes in unreal or would it be easier to create piles of snow in Maya. Any input to the subject is appreciated. Thanks

Hey @Carrmaz!

There are ways to do this dynamically through UE4. Searching the forums should yield some results as I recall seeing a few examples in the past. The question would be what you’re looking for performance wise. I don’t remember specifically the cost, but doing it dynamically may cost more than modeling it in Maya. Good luck! =)

Hey Carrmaz, it is possible using an “Up Vector” material that masks the top half of objects based on their orientation, this can be combined with fall off masks/tessellation and all kinds of other ways to sell the effect.

I imagine there are examples of this in the content examples, and there’s definitely an implementation of it in one of the 3dMotive material tutorials, although I don’t remember which - it’s for UDK, but just about all of it still applies to UE4.