Hello! I’m trying to create a random dungeon generator.I created some basic rooms in blender, attached a socket to each door frame and box colliders on each door.When I walk in the collider the next room should spawn randomly.This is what I have right now: Imgur: The magic of the Internet .The problem is the new room will spawn in the right socket, but it’s origin will spawn on the socket.How can I make it so the new room’s socket will attach to the old room socket? This is how the base room looks like: Imgur: The magic of the Internet and this is how I placed the sockets Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Thank you in advance! Stay safe!
I made this here: https://forums.unrealengine.com/deve…-align-sockets
I ended up remaking the rooms with the pivot point where it should be, but now I found another problem. This is the first room Imgur: The magic of the Internet and I made it so it spawns the next room model which looks like this: Imgur: The magic of the Internet and Imgur: The magic of the Internet . When I cross the door from the main room the second’s room blueprint will activate too for some reason. Any advice?