Snapping object to position on any surface under mouse in editor

Is there any way to snap object to any surface (terrain, other object) which is under mouse in editor?
I’m looking to same functionality the CryEngine have, look for example here
You can aliging your object to terrain or to objects,
you can also move the object anywhere on the terrain where you left click, and move and align the object to surface normals where you left click. I can’t find something similar in UE4


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I think there is no such functionality in the engine.

The closest thing would be to use the END key on your keyboard. It snaps the object you have currently selected to the floor right below it.

Pressing the “End” key doesn’t seem to do anything.

Any worrd on this,how could a complex engine as UE4 not have a way to snap a object that is a huge distance from where you need it( fbx issue, exported FROM ue4 to current project!) TO where it needs to go,doing it manually is a joke :wink:

the snap to floor (end key) is a joke in ue4. its so unreliable! i use spline meshes scattered along a spline mainly to distribute geometry in my levels and snapping the spline points to the ground is kind of essential for this workflow…but ue4 is kind of ruining it with its weird snapping behavior. its totally not transparent what happens…some points snap correctly some not at all…some a bit. makes me crazy to have to fix ever single point manually. …

Fn Key + End Key


Shift-end snaps the bottom to the surface, alt-end snaps the center.