The original smallest snap to grid spacing was 1 units, in base 10. A group actor of size 2800 x 800 was created from the default engine architecture meshes. The group was rotated by 180 degrees using 90 degree steps in a top view window. After the rotation, the group was displaced off the grid by 0.5 units, in vertical direction. Switching between the different grid spacings or varying the snap to actor/snap to grid disabled flags did not affect the offset. Adding a 0.5 grid size option in the engine settings and subsequently switching to it made the engine crash to desktop silently, without the error reporting tool showing up. The engine version used was 4.7.6.
I merely wanted to report this in case it’s something you might want to take a look at. I don’t usually run into any issues and thanks for all the hard work you’ve put into the engine. Of course, if there’s a trick to fix this or a workflow suggestion, I’d be awesome to hear it.
Update: Reopening the project brings up the reporting tool, with divide by zero error, until the 0.5 grid size is removed from the default engine settings.