"Snap to Floor" only works after restarting or changing the level

I am not sure if its a bug or if I messed something up in the project. When I start my Project, it loads a level I set as default. When I work in this level and want to place an actor I can not snap it to the floor. (Yes, “Surface Snapping” is on.) “END” or Right Click on the Object and snap also does not work. However, if I open an other level or just reopen the same level again, snapping works perfectly again. Thoughts?


I don’t have an answer for you, but just wanted to say I have run into the same problem (currently on 5.2), and that funnily enough your post is the first I’ve found to at least give me a workaround (opening another map then reopening the original).

I’ve spent hours tearing my hair out investigating possible causes (collision settings, object touching other object, hotkey incorrectly assigned, keyboard issue, etc) with no success.

Given the nature of the workaround, it’s hard to feel like this is user error as opposed to a bug; hoping this issue gets some visibility.


Glad it helped you. You actually don’t necessarily need to switch to another level, you can also just save the current level you are in and it will snap again.

Found this workaround by accident after trying every possible solution out there :sweat_smile:

I think its a bug and I have a suspicion that it might be triggered during the creation of the project. We’ll see if Unreal Staff finds this post and will have a look into that. But if you on 5.2 it unfortunately not been fixed yet.

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Same problem. Thanks for the workaround!

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Run into this bug(?) aswell. In my case the solution was to give a new name to a “untitled” level. Just make sure you save everything end restart UE5 to check if “untitled” level is gone. The issue with the name itself happened when i initially renamed my level to something else end then decided to rename it back.


You see, my dude, it seems you renaimed the Level_01 to, let say, 01_Level. Next you opened a project, maps and modes in Project Settings searching for Level_01, but could not find it and the title of your level is Untitled. So :slight_smile: select the certain Level for Maps and Modes after renaming.
I’ve just fixed this one

Same problem here. I am using UE 5.4.3 and i “solved” the problem open other level and then reopen the original one, as you said… Thanks!

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