snap to floor location problem

I’m using the 5.1 version, but one day, I got this problem.
Using the ‘snap to floor (end key)’ function, it digs into the floor.

There is no problem with the actor made with ‘Quickly Add to Project - Shapes’.
This issue appears only with actors created with blueprints.

Raise the actor position again - Select the actor in the Details Window - use the End key again to snap to the floor.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

If you’re only having the problem with blueprints, then you can just put everything at the correct height in the blueprint. :slight_smile:


The actor origin is in the center of the cube??? Move the static mesh bottom to the actor origin???

Do you mean to change the height of the actor in the blue print editor?
I would appreciate it if you could explain it more easily because my English is not good enough. I can barely communicate with the translator.

In the blueprint

bp edit

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Thank you for the detailed explanation.

By the way, should blue print always be like this?
Or is there another problem with my settings?

It hasn’t been long since I started studying Unreal, so I don’t know which one is right.

It doesn’t really matter.

It makes sense to have things centralised in the BP, but the height they’re at is really up to you.

By default the pivot will be about mid height, but if you use ‘snap to ground’ a lot then you could make it at the base.

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It helped me a lot. Thank you very much.

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