Snap Pawn to Actor

Hi all,

I’m currently working on a sort of a turn-based, top-down tactical strategy game.
I’m looking for a way of snapping a Pawn or an Actor to another actor.

HERE:[Old] UE4 - Advanced Turn Based Tile Toolkit Tutorial - 1 - Setup - YouTube
I saw the fella managed to snap any actor he placed on-top of any of his tiles, to the tile center.
I managed to fetch the exact Transform of my own Tile’s center, but haven’t yet figured out how to automatically snap actors to it as soon as they’re placed on top of the Tile.
I have a small collision volume above my Tile, so I tried using its OnBeginOverlap event, but any result came out terribly buggy.
I could think of solutions that would spawn the needed objects in the exact Transform I fetch from the target Tile, but that won’t work in the UE Editor itself, like we see in the above video.

So, is it terribly complicated to achieve? Or am I missing something really obvious?

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

Theres an “attach actor to actor” node. You can specify which bone/socket to attach to as an added bonus.