Snap objects to objects


So basically I’ve tried to snap two objects together right next to each other. This just simply will not work, I can get an object to snap to another objects pivot point. But getting something like a roof to snap to the top of some walls is just not happening… Demonstration:

I’ve tried to install some plugin made by a user called Rama in order to fix this, but then my project wouldn’t open and it told me to compile it from the source or something similar, which I did but that didn’t fix the problem.

Also, please note, that I am a complete newbie when it comes to the unreal engine, if I want to do this in Unity I just hold V and snap it. Holding V here only snaps to pivots.

Thanks for any help!

You should use grid snapping and build your objects to a metric grid or a power of two grid.

Snapping objects to one another can be achieved using vertex snapping, but I 't recommend it.

helpful documentation for UE4 snapping. Covers grid and vertex snapping. Good luck!

Polycount also has useful wiki for environment art that covers modularity and level building principles.

Why make a whole map out of a metric grid? Would be impossible to add small details to it. But I managed to solve the problem by moving the pivot point(which is a hell to get it where it should be) by IN ORDER, RMB + MMB + V the pivot and move it to the corner of a square, then click the pivot point and hold V to move it where it should be.

There should be a better system for this. Gave me such a headache just to get the point to where it should be.

Metric grid refers to mm, cm, m, km etc… the level of detail is not limited to 1m units but can be as small/large as you like. Power of two would be 2cm, 4cm, 16cm, 32cm, 64cm, 128cm, etc.

I only provide this comment for clarity. I hope the information is useful to you. I’m glad your issue is resolved, and good luck in your project.

Most game environments you see in games are build on a grid and supported by decorative objects that are not on the grid. These objects would most likely not need to be vertex accurate in their placement.

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Thank you, will save this for future use!